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2021 Residents letter

Dear Residents of Wills Hall 2021-2022,

Let me introduce myself: I’m Robert Vilain, Chair of the Wills Hall Association, which is a large group of Wills alumni dedicated to supporting current and past residents of the Hall, in-person and financially. Please accept our best wishes and congratulations on your excellent choice of residence! You are now part of the wider Wills Hall community and we hope that you will remain within that community for decades to come.

The pandemic continues to affect communities such as Wills Hall and the ways in which we socialize, but I know that the Residential Life staff are working hard to ensure as normal as possible an experience for you. The outgoing JCR Committee are also involved in welcome events that should give a warm and friendly kick-start for your time in Hall.

The full 2021 Residents letter can be downloaded here:

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