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‘For me, Wills was much more than a place to stay, much more than a temporary billet to be quickly forgotten, much more than an enclave of cliques and fragmented groups going their own way. It was a genuine and rock-solid community where friendships were forged and character was formed.’

Professor Sir Liam Donaldson (Wills 1967-1969)

Chief Medical Officer for England, 1998-2010

Who can be a member?Membership is open to all current or former residents of Wills Hall, and to those who have had a significant association with the Hall, including in a professional capacity (i.e. staff as well as students). We also welcome applications from anyone who would like to work with us to sustain alumni relations and support current residents. 


How much does it cost?

Nothing, however, if you feel inclined to donate more, please do! See our Donations page. Even a small donation can cumulatively offer genuinely transformative opportunities for our students


What does membership provide?

Membership provides an ongoing connection with an institution that has helped shape your future. You will always be invited to events, updated on what's going on in Hall, and encouraged to return from time to time to help new students or remember your student years.​Members can catch up on Hall events (through this website, our End of Year Bulletin, the annual Yearbook and via invitations to events). You will be able to book places for yourselves and friends at events such as the annual Summer Reunion and Dinner, the London Reception, the Bristol Reception, and the Arthur Graves Lecture. Many events are free. Others are priced cost-effectively. Members enjoyed advance notice of the celebrations for the 90th anniversary in 2019 and will be the first to know about plans for 2029!

How can I make my voice heard?​

There is an Annual General Meeting (usually in July) to which all members are invited (either in person or via electronic platforms) and members present are entitled to vote.​ You can email the Chair or the President at any time via the "contacts" link below and tell us your news, ask for information, or express a view on a current issue. 


What can I contribute?

Membership is also a way of recognising your time at Wills Hall and expressing your support for the future, as the Hall fulfils its mission to provide a vibrant, stimulating and supportive community for talented young people – many of whom are away from home for the first time. Your input will always be welcomed.​ Wills Hall Association members develop their own studies and careers around the world but they stay in touch through Wills Hall Association, sharing their experiences.

Become part of history

The WHA was formed in 1930, just one year after the opening of the Hall, and our membership has represented the whole gamut of the Hall's history. There are no surviving members who were in residence in the 1920s and 1930s, but we are still privileged to have members who lived in Wills in the 1940s: their experiences and anecdotes are illuminating and sometimes eye-opening! Many of our members are from more recent ‘vintages’, however, and their experiences of the Hall are very different but no less valuable. ​Please do join us and sustain your connections and memories from your time at Wills. 

Support the Wills Hall Association

Wills Hall is rather special. It is the WHA's privilege to make it more special, by contributing to the enhancement of the facilities that make life as a Wills student so distinctive. Via your donations, we provide support for individual students who might from time to time need a boost for special projects, career preparation, or other support, and we underpin group sporting, cultural and charitable activities for which no university or other funding is available. 


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